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Abusive Behaviour Policy


At the Kingston Beach Health Centre, we prioritise the safety and well-being of both our staff and clients to ensure a respectful and professional environment. To maintain this standard, we have implemented the following guidelines regarding abusive behavior:


Physically and Mentally Safe Environment: We are committed to providing a physically and mentally safe environment for our staff and clients. Ensuring that our team feels secure and supported while performing their duties is our top priority.


Boundaries and Limitations: Our staff may encounter situations beyond their control that limit our ability to accommodate certain needs. We strive to address concerns and provide the best possible care within our capabilities.


Zero Tolerance Policy: We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of abusive behavior, whether verbal or physical, directed towards our staff or clients. Harassment, intimidation, or aggression will not be tolerated under any circumstances.


Respect and Courtesy: We expect all clients to treat our staff with the courtesy and respect they deserve. Disrespectful or rude behavior towards any member of our team is unacceptable.


Refusal of Future Appointments: Clients who engage in abusive behavior will be refused future appointments at our facility. We are dedicated to fostering a positive and supportive environment and cannot accommodate individuals who do not adhere to our standards of behavior.


We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and safe environment for everyone at the Kingston Beach Health Centre. Thank you for your cooperation.


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