Phone: (03) 62 299 844
2 Recreation Street
Kingston Beach TASMANIA 7050

Jess Greener - Remedial Massage Therapist
Jess is passionate about helping people of all diversities maintain and achieve improved health using evidence based holistic and empathetic approach to massage.
She comes to KBHC having realised her long-term dream of becoming a Remedial Massage Therapist by formally completing her Diploma of Remedial Massage Therapy through Evolve College in 2022.
Jess can address specific areas of concern through listening to clients, visual postural assessments and application of balanced techniques tailored to each individual.
Conditions Jess can provide massage therapy for include:
Anxiety and Depression
General Body Maintenance and Wellbeing
Migraine and Headache
Muscle Impingement/Pain
Post Sporting Events
Remedial Relaxation
Stress management
Jess lives with her family on a small property nestled behind kunanyi/Mt Wellington and there’s not much she does not find enjoyment in, favourites are all things aquatic, cooking, gardening, fitness and people.
Jess has Private Health Provider status.​