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Nutritional Cooking
Rosili Latona - Dietitian


Rosili is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with over 20 years experience as a clinical dietitian.


Rosili studied a Bachelor of Science at UTAS before completing a Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics at Griffith University.


Rosili has worked in both public and private sectors and has over 15 years’ experience at the Royal Hobart Hospital.


Rosili uses an evidence-based approach to nutrition as the basis of all consultations and is passionate about providing clients with individualised, practical and realistic advice to help them achieve their nutrition goals.


Rosili’s particular areas of interest include:


• Gastrointestinal conditions such as IBD, IBS, Coeliac Disease, Diverticular Disease and food intolerance including FODMAPs.


• Diabetes, including GDM, Type 2 Diabetes, with a particular interest in Type 1 Diabetes. Rosili has an extensive understanding of the technologies used to manage diabetes including insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors. Rosili focuses on a whole food, non-diet approach.




Book an Online Appointment With Rosili Now:
Kingston Beach Health Centre
2 Recreation Street
Kingston Beach  TASMANIA  7050
Phone: (03) 62 299 844 

Monday -  Friday     9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday                   Closed
Sunday                      Closed

Public Holidays        Closed


During the festive season, we will be closed from Christmas Day through the New Year's Day public holiday.

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